1,000 Day Pacing and New Habit Creation

I'm going to explain how I qualified for World Champs, won Ultraman Hawaii, found my wife and improved my parenting game.
Big wins - different domains.
Here's my template...
Create one new habit at a time
Set the bar low (!)
Hit that bar daily (30, 100, 500, 1000)
Remove what causes me to miss the minimum
Sort the specifics after the habit is on autopilot
Access experienced mentors
Surge effort when conditions are favorable
What would happen if you made a choice to...
Do a little bit of cardio
Do a little bit of strength
Help one stranger
Share a simple lesson you know well
Make one connection
Eat a salad at 3pm
Eat 2 apples at 11am
Write 100 words
...every single day for the next 1,000 days?
Build one small habit.
My 8:29 Ironman performance started when a fat finance guy (me) decided it might make sense to walk to the pub rather than drive.
I can remember that one choice.
I can remember a later choice to do something-every-day.
I've done my "1,000 days" many times => writing, investing, wife, kids, sport, connection, strength training
Knowing the power of compounding, I still underestimate the speed of improvement.
What are your deep wants and desires?
What one thing, if it happened, would change everything?
Why not move a little forward each day?
Why wait to be great