Life Lessons From Admiral Jonser
Years ago, I wrote a book about Ironman Triathlon. At the back of the book, I put my email address and invited readers to reach out.
Scott read the book, and sent the email...
I was sitting at my computer and wrote him back five minutes later.
Take the shot, make your own luck
22 years prior to that email, Scott dropped out of high school and joined the Navy.
At 17, he took the shot.
40 years of service
Shot after shot, after shot...
June 10, 1982 (E1) to June 10, 2022 (O8)
Scott was able to live his childhood dream.
What was yours?
One good relationship can change your life
There have been moments in my life when Scott has pointed out faulty thinking.
Based on the turnout at his retirement ceremony, there are hundreds of people who have appreciated a timely dose of Vitamin Josner.
One person can make a huge difference in the world.
Find your tribe, iterate towards better, contribute.
Just Keep Winning - some time this year, I started saying this (all the time) and passing it along to others
People hate you for no reason... just keep winning
Feeling imposter syndrome... just keep winning
Unsure what's next... just keep winning
I get to the ceremony and it's on the cake!
This got me thinking...
I have no memory of where Just Keep Winning came from but, now, I have a hunch.
People influence me, without my awareness
When you come across a positive influence, be willing:
to change
to go to them
to share what they like to do
Last Thursday, I gave you a list:
Do they make me laugh?
Do they help me think better?
Do they set an example for the type of man I want to be?
I'll add one more filter... The Better Test
What happens when this person arrives on the scene?
Pay attention when you see "better" happening.
Jonser makes things better.