Raising Fit Kids
They say we should teach about subjects where we don't need notes.
Fit kids is that subject for me.
Our kids are 10, 11 and 14
We live in one of the fittest zip codes in America
Our kids are competitive in whatever they set their minds on
Most importantly, they are happy, engaged and a core part of every team they join
We've been raising them with intent, since before they were born
I threaded the outline for the video last Friday.
Winning means NOTHING if you lose the relationship.
Children carry an embedded option for the most common challenges of aging
something to do
someone to share experiences with
someone to love
Don't blow it by being a bozo (at the game)
If the family has a special sport, swimming for us, then think in terms of minimum weekly frequency
None of our kids had to "be a swimmer" - all they needed to do was swim a little bit
Every. Single. Week.
Touch the water, once a week, since they could stand up
Very Consistently Undertrained
Our kids have done a lot since they were little.
What they have not done is specialize in a specific niche, or train like an adult.
I've also been careful to match my encouragement to the way the kid likes to train
Long days
Fast days
Mix of days
The kids decide what and how much - my role is to up-skill and keep it fun.
10,000 Days
From the time a child stands up...
...to realizing their maximum adult potential
About 10,000 days
Longer in my case!
Several important realities flow from this timeline:
We control less than half of those days!
We don't even control what we think we control - for example, effort at practice
It will not be the parents' call - without a deep love of exercise, the kids are DONE as soon as they get out of the house, sometimes before!

What Do We Control?
Modeling Personal Excellence
How our children see our marriage and other relationships
Sleep & Nutrition Habits
Leave Room To Load Later
Middle School
High School
The Collegiate Level
None are a final destination!
Give the athlete somewhere to go when they leave you.
Start With The End In Mind
Where do you want the athlete to be when they are done with their competitive career?
Use sport as a vehicle to teach these traits.
Start today!
Keep these traits front of mind when you're tempted to make it about winning.