Content You Can Use:
Understanding Tempo
Body Transformations
Nutritional Transformations
How I Eat, with pictures
Understanding Tempo
I’ve been explaining the Five-Zone System on Twitter.
When I’m done, I’ll create an article and make a video for you.
This thread gives you everything you need for Zones 1, 2 & 3.

This video explains Two Anchors to guide your training.
Aerobic Threshold (AeT, the border between Zone 1 & 2)
Threshold Minus (T-, the border between Zone 3 & 4)
Resist the urge to endlessly tinker with protocol.
Simplify Your Approach
Remove Choices That Screw Up Tomorrow
Base training works, for a long time.
Let your aerobic development compound.
5 Truths About Transforming Your Body
Too many athletes live on a hamster wheel of volume and sugary treats.
Working hard, but never making progress on their body composition goals.
The thread shares lessons from my personal transformation:
Fat Loss Is Not Driven By Exercise
You Will Not Notice Sustainable Change
Stress & Strain, Binges & Triggers
Replace Rather Than Remove
Understand Your Cycles
Our “appetite” for information on this subject is bottomless.
You don’t need more information
You do need to simplify your approach
Stability is what you are seeking

Nutritional Transformations
I pulled together my best stuff to help you.
Eat Less Sugar
Protein With Every Meal
Incremental Change
Clean Up Non-Training Nutrition
The thread guides you to the key articles in my archive.

How I Eat
I’m 54 / 182 cm / ~72 kilos => strong and active.
When I’m In A Build Up Phase:
Energy Positive
More Calories Early
More Protein Early
Protein With Every Meal
If you aspire to high-performance then you must Fuel The Burn.
Pictures of my standard meals in the thread.
Then, and now, I’m in a build-up phase.

Another great read. Will re-read the tempo portion, would like to understand that more, as I've added some tempo to my workouts now, rather than just steady-state.