
Hi Ryan,

The split is a starting point for creating a balanced athletic profile.

If you have ambitious goals, towards any direction of the attributes, then you'll need periods of time where you increase your focus above what I've outlined.

That's based both on experience and the work of sports scientists documenting what top level athletes do.

Thanks for being part of the community here.


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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Gordo Byrn

Lots of good stuff in this one. Very good framing of perspective on “peppy” and agility. As a middle aged man, I often lose sight of the benefits of agility training. This article is a good reminder to do that work before I fall behind the curve.

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I was reminded of the benefits this past week.

Tripped on the trails and didn't go down. Thought I was toast - some how kept it together.

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Context: I’m a beginner endurance athlete concerned about transitioning away from strength. I was wondering if the 9:1:1:1 split mentioned here is backed by scientific studies at all? Or if it’s from your years of expertise - both extremely powerful. Appreciate the advice

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Did you see my earlier reply. It doesn't appear to have made it to this thread.

Let me know,


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Yes, I see it. Really appreciate the insight! Thanks

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This content is in my wheelhouse. The 12h/wk &3x3x3 multi sport will work great. I’m concerned this won’t b enough for my commitment to a half iron tho. Classic me. Biting off too much.

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Once the Basic Week is well established, you can insert "special event" days. For 70.3 that's going to be longer rides, runs and bricks. Key is to get the 3-3-3 established first.

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