Too Tired To Change
What one thing, if it happened, would change everything?
Keep it simple
Do it daily
Set a low bar for success
Stretch your limits when overall stress is low
As a coach, I used the above with regards to athletics => better nutrition, sleep and emotional control. Sort those components THEN crank specific stress.
The challenges facing a new parent
life stress never feels low
we start with no skills
we have unreasonable expectations
If you're facing challenges in your family life then I'd encourage you to acknowledge the above.
Being honest about my limits makes it easier to improve and cope with the inevitable errors.
If I pay attention to my errors, they are most often associated with being tired. You may find this in all areas of your life (emotional control, food choice, substance abuse). You might also have other triggers (hunger, anger, loneliness).
I really like being tired. Fatigue settles my mind and helps me fall asleep.
The trouble comes when I make a big unforced parenting error before bed!
Errors can haunt my consciousness for days.
So this post is about fatigue and change. However, if you look deeper, it is about how I am choosing to invest my emotional energy towards success.
Our values are reflected in where we are willing to make an effort. My values are greatly influenced by peers, environment and media inputs.
So doing a better job at home meant letting go of areas, peers and situations where I used to compete.